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Friday, December 10, 2010

...And that was not ending at all

We have heard lot more stories about ambitious people and also aware their difficulties what they had to face and finally they atchieve their destination.
As we can mention about WT Washington or Ishwar chand Vidya sagar. Every one who has their aim they are diffinetly encoureged by people by adopting these ways.
here we are going to share a rare story of ambition,a rare passion and a dedication.normly everone work hard for their target and basicaly good mental n physical health is required but what should be for those who has gone phisicaly disable.
my dear frnd this story of my close frnd.before going ahead its important to have a quick scenario of his life before that day which made his life completely ruined.his name is Sahil  n he had good health n phisicaly very strong,a very good cricketer among us,a tall guy,faire very handsome n smart n a sweat girlfrnd who loved who was about to marry him.these were the some qualities r life  which he had. but on day during the excercise he had a heavy waight about 120kg,n he felt like headech n phisicaly tired after lifting that he left that placce by saying his frnd that he is not felling well n going to home,n as soon as he came on the road he fell down n gone for a long sleep....
 n hospitalised,he was in coma thier was looking no chance to his survival.Dr.had left everything for God....
after long time any how he back to senses,actually he was attacked by paralysed to the half of his body.n when he knew this he thought that its much difficult to live than to any one can felt he did the same..Dr. told him that he has time period of one year to recover if he gets it then he'll b better otherwise he'd have to live in same way.time was passing but he was not improving as he thought,yet he was very strict for rules n regulatoions n following the Dr.s advise very well n exercising properly for hours but finally a year passed n he coud'nt b fine.a bit of better he was now than a year before.So it was very bad news for Sahil he was phisicaly disable except walking,but that one year was the time which was most important for Sahil as he told,he says,he got everything that he could'nt have If he'd be normal.he says this stage is like a guide for him,he got the the knowledge of  right n wrong,who is for him n who is just for formallities.he got the glimps of this practical very soon he decided to forget all his negtivities.
as I have told u about his girlfrnd,she...
now she was not ready to talk him...
this the reality my frnd,this is the game of time...
but istead of being dejected he decided to forgive n forgot her n now he had a new idea to live...
he had the "Way OF Life".
he was not a good student when he was well but now he decided to start the preparation of Civil Services n now he is working harder n harder,he spent minimum 14 hours for his studies.n he has become a role model for everyone for his type who gave up their hopes n about to suicide.
I was also in deep trouble for some personal causes n then it was he who did his best n prvide his super ideas n made my life as usual.I mreally thankfull to him.he can talk on any topic,not even talk also finalise any issue.
He use to say "ambition is everything n when u dont have that u r dead,so if u r then have ambition n get ur destination."
His ambiton is to be An IAS ... what a man he is,an iron will...
We must pray for him that he may atchieve his destination...n become a ideal for disables.


  1. so well written....and shered ...thank you...

  2. Inspiring incident...nice try !
    keep it up ! :)

  3. thanks to u people for ur inspiring comment.
